Not every love story, fits into a box. Mara & Adam’s story is a true testament to this statement.
Now its not my place to tell every detail of how tragedy turned into this “meant to be” story, but lets just say, as Rascal Flatts once sung….”God bless the broken road, that led me straight to you.”
Mara and Adam not only share the love that everyone dreams about, but they have managed to blend their lives and become a new family of 3.
And when I first met them, I would have never known that their beginnings did not all start with each other.
We met at Baker Beach in San Francisco, hands down one of the most popular beaches in the city for Photoshoots. Now, as a Sonoma County Wedding Photographer, it was my first time here. Shocking, I know! But needless to say it absolutely took my breath away! After weeks and weeks of rain in early 2024, we weren’t sure what kind of weather we would be up against. And when I arrived in San Francisco that Saturday morning, it was BRIGHT blue skies and not a cloud in sight!
Adams son Levi, joined us for the first half of the Engagement Photoshoot, and he was an absolute doll. We played in the sand, chased waves, and looked for sea shells. When Mara, Adam and I escaped up the hill into the trees, we were able to get some intimate Engagement moments in, for them. The hill next to Baker beach allows for an even better, and amazing view of the Golden Gate Bridge. Whether you’re a Sonoma County Photographer like myself, or a San Francisco native, I cant ever imagine this view getting old!
Needless to say, I absolutely cannot wait for Mara & Adam to get married this June in San Francisco.